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20 - 22 MAY 2025

The Kent Preachers' Conference aims to equip and inspire Pastors in the vital work of preaching the Word of God. The conference will include learning from seasoned Pastors on how they prepare and do this in an expository way. There will also be small groups where we can listen to one another's sermons and give constructive feedback, as well as pray for and support each other in this work.


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Angus McLeay
Rector, St Nicholas Church Sevenoaks

The Sermon on the Mount

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William Taylor
Rector, St Helen's Bishopsgate

1 Thessalonians


A stunning rural retreat deep in the heart of Kent. Comfortable and affordable accommodation, away from distractions, to ensure you are physically, mentally and spiritually refreshed.

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Shatterling Barn


£180 with £30 discount for partners of the Kent Gospel Partnership.


The price includes accommodation and all food.


The conference is from 4pm Tuesday until 2pm Thursday

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